VECTOR | [3-0-0:3] |
DESCRIPTION | This course presents fundamental geophysical fluid dynamics in the ocean and atmosphere system by introducing governing concepts and principles in ocean and atmospheric circulation as well as the exchanges of buoyancy, energy and momentum fluxes in the interface between air and sea. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
L01 (6033) | TuTh 10:30AM - 11:50AM | Rm 202, W2 | LI, Qing | 20 | 5 | 15 | 0 |
VECTOR | [3-0-0:3] |
PRE-REQUISITE | EOAS 5000 or equivalent |
DESCRIPTION | The biogeochemical cycle in the ocean is not only governed by the chemical and biological processes, but also regulated critically by the physical processes in the ocean. The topics of this course cover ocean circulation and biogeochemical dynamics, marine phytoplankton and zooplankton, biogeochemical response to circulation dynamics in the ocean. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
L01 (6036) | TuTh 07:30PM - 08:50PM | Rm 202, W2 | JI, Qixing YU, Liuqian | 20 | 5 | 15 | 0 |
VECTOR | [4-0-0:4] |
PRE-REQUISITE | EOAS 5000 or EOAS 5001 or EOAS 5005 |
DESCRIPTION | The course covers major processes and interactions of Earth system components and introduces the related numerical modeling concepts and techniques. It provides hands-on modeling projects to explore ideas of designing, constructing, and applying models to test hypotheses and enhance understanding of the Earth system processes and their response and feedback to the climate. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
L01 (6054) | Tu 03:00PM - 04:20PM | Rm 149, E1 | LIU, Zhen YU, Liuqian | 60 | 8 | 52 | 0 | |
Fr 03:00PM - 05:50PM | Rm 222, W1 | LIU, Zhen YU, Liuqian |
VECTOR | [3-0-0:3] |
DESCRIPTION | This course focuses on the biogeochemical, hydrological, and ecological connections across the land-air-water continuum in watersheds. Specific topics include 1) an overview of watershed biogeochemical cycles, 2) land-air exchanges of carbon, water, and energy, 3) nutrient cycles in land and waters, 4) biogeochemical cycling in groundwater, and 5) watershed biogeochemistry in climate change. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
L01 (6055) | WeFr 01:30PM - 02:50PM | Rm 222, W1 | CHI, Jinshu LIU, Yi | 30 | 6 | 24 | 0 |
VECTOR | [0-1-0:1] |
DESCRIPTION | This course is designed to provide postgraduate students with the opportunity to practice speaking and presenting their research in front of scientific audiences. Students will select research topics and organize presentations within the interdisciplinary studies of ocean-atmosphere-land interactions for faculty and other students. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
T01 (6057) | We 06:30PM - 07:20PM | Rm 201, W2 | CHI, Jinshu LIU, Yi | 30 | 11 | 19 | 0 |
VECTOR | [3-0-0:3] |
DESCRIPTION | Our generations face rapid global environmental changes resulting from rising human interventions to the air, water, land and climate. Addressing crucial contemporary environmental challenge requires an interdisciplinary mind set that recognizes the interconnections among environmental problems, as well as the science of their causes, potential technological solutions and policy instruments. This is a course covering selected topics in cutting-edge earth system studies and the science, technology and policy aspects, in order to equip students with both knowledge and analytical tools for approaching pressing environmental problems. Topics include planetary boundaries and sustainable development goals, the reactive nitrogen cycle, global land use change, biodiversity losses, transboundary air pollution, co-mitigation of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, international trade and environmental justice, etc. Through guided literature reading, seminar discussions, group presentations and projects, students will develop critical thinking skills, interdisciplinary research design capabilities, and passion for sustainable development, which could be adopted for their own future research. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
L01 (6246) | MoWe 10:30AM - 11:50AM | Rm 202, E3 | GUO, Yixin | 30 | 10 | 20 | 0 |
VECTOR | [1-3 credit(s)] |
DESCRIPTION | Study on selected topics in the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences under the supervision of a faculty member. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
R01 (6521) | TBA | TBA | TBA | 20 | 3 | 17 | 0 |
DESCRIPTION | Master's thesis research supervised by co-advisors from different disciplines. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
R01 (6059) | TBA | No room required | TBA | 999 | 6 | 993 | 0 |
DESCRIPTION | Original and independent doctoral thesis research supervised by co-advisors from different disciplines. A successful defense of the thesis leads to the grade Pass. No course credit is assigned. |
Section | Date & Time | Room | Instructor | Quota | Enrol | Avail | Wait | Remarks |
R01 (6061) | TBA | No room required | TBA | 999 | 23 | 976 | 0 |