IPEN 5100 - Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6129) Mo 06:00PM - 08:50PMRm 233, W1HOU, Yun
LI, Moyan
SHIN, Jihoon

IPEN 5111 - Public Management and Institutional Analysis (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6131) We 01:30PM - 04:20PMRm 101, W2XU, Kewei200200 

IPEN 5120 - Research Design for Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship Studies (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6134) Tu 01:30PM - 04:20PMRm 201, W2WU, Xun400400 
L02 (6135) Tu 06:00PM - 08:50PMRm 201, W2WU, Xun400400 

IPEN 5140 - Quantitative Analysis and Empirical Methods (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6203) Th 06:00PM - 08:50PMRm 134, E1LI, Chenyang50
MPhil (IPE) including 1-3 coho: 35/0/35

IPEN 5160 - Big Data Applications for Business and Government (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6204) Tu 01:30PM - 04:20PMRm 101, E1XU, Kewei50
MSc(TP): 41/0/41

IPEN 5180 - Disruptive Technologies and Society (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6205) Mo 01:30PM - 04:20PMRm 134, E1WU, Xun600600 

IPEN 5270 - Corporate ESG Practice and Research (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6206) Tu 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, W1HE, Jinyu200200 

IPEN 5280 - Technological Catching-up Policies and Management (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6207) Mo 01:30PM - 04:20PMRm 101, W2SHIN, Jihoon200200 

IPEN 5310 - Behavioral Economics and Public Policy (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6208) Th 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 122, E1ZHANG, Xu300300 

IPEN 5330 - Energy Economics and Policy (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6209) Fr 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, W1LU, Yangsiyu200200 

IPEN 5360 - Climate Innovation: Policy and Development (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6212) Tu 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, E3LU, Yangsiyu200200 

IPEN 5400 - Climate Change: Science and Governance (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6214) Th 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, W1PARK, SEONA200200 

IPEN 6100B - Infrastructure Finance & Policy for Carbon Neutrality (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6318) Mo 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 202, W2GUMBER, ANURAG200200 

IPEN 6100C - Greenhouse Gas Emission Quantification (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6321) We 01:30PM - 04:20PMRm 202, W2TBA200200 

IPEN 6100D - Carbon Pricing and Climate Finance (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6323) We 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, W2QI, Shaozhou300300 

IPEN 6102 - IPEN Program Seminar II (1 unit)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6219) We 10:30AM - 11:50AMRm 101, E1LI, Moyan405350 

IPEN 6990 - MPhil Thesis Research (0 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
R01 (6223) TBANo room requiredTBA999329670 

IPEN 7990 - Doctoral Thesis Research (0 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
R01 (6231) TBANo room requiredTBA999139860