IPEN 5111 - Public Management and Institutional Analysis (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6087) Fr 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, E4XU, Kewei155100 

IPEN 5250 - Text Analysis and Machine Learning (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6088) We 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 202, W4XU, Kewei3019110 

UCMP 6010 - Cross-disciplinary Research Methods I (2 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6136) TBATBACAI, Yi
CUI, Ying
GAN, Zecheng
LI, Lei
MA, Jun
TAN, Chee Keong
XU, Kewei
ZHANG, Zhuoni